Nina, you are wonderful! Our trip was soooo much better than if we had tried to do it on our own. We never could have found such quality drivers and guides – they made such a difference in our experience. Your partner is truly a gem – warm, competent and truly wonderful. We loved all our time with Jimmy; he is so knowledgeable as well as gracious and patient. He and our son-in-law had a grand time comparing the Peruvian and Ecuadorian aspects of the Incas and even the Quechua language. Carlos had heard a number of the Quechua words as a child that Jimmy was able to interpret for him.
The lunch with Aida was amazing. It was so nice to be in her home and meet her husband as well. It’s a toss-up between that meal and the one at Tres Keros of being the best of the trip. Thanks too for the night at Sol y Luna – wow! We also enjoyed the stop at for the private weaving demonstration. That was really a treat.
The only hitch in the trip was the fault of Continental Airlines and your crew in Lima handled it beautifully. They arranged for us to go to Mami Panchita’s so we got 5 hours of sleep instead of 5 hours of sitting in the airport!
Thank you, thank you, and thank you from all 4 of us!
Pam Pool