Once we are content with the first itinerary designed for you, we will send a description with pricing and enough information for you to get a feel for what we offer. We hope you will find this initial draft is exactly what you had in mind.
We Become a Team
If you would like to continue to explore your options or require changes, we are happy to do this until you are completely excited and ready to travel with us. At this point, we will ask for a planning fee of $400, completely applicable towards your trip. This ensures that we can dedicate all the time necessary for continued development of your plan so that when you travel with us, you will love Peru as much as we do.
We will guarantee to allow all of the time necessary until every detail reflects your desires. Each plan we create is completely customized and takes many hours of work and thought; the planning fee covers a small part of our time and effort.
Should you not end up traveling with us, the fee is non-refundable and you keep all the information and itinerary developed for you thus far.
Start planning your custom South America tour today with our questionnaire. We know you’ll LOVE the experience of traveling with us.